Friday 25 June 2010

Since this is arts week, we have gone arts crazy!Our theme is "Under The Sea", we have been making fish tanks with paper and premium transparencies. Next we designed tropical fish, and we drew it on cardboard and cut it out.Then we had to tape newspaper scrunched up together and put kitchen paper with glue on it. The next step is to let it dry and paint. We also designed portholes and they had to be imaginative as we can.And today, we are going to be designing and making a 3D aquarium.


This week in year 5 (again!) obviously we have been at school! But it is much more fun than boring old maths and literacy. IT'S ARTS WEEK!!!! The theme is "Under The Sea" and we hope you enjoy our blog. First of all we made our own fish tanks. We used Transparent Cellophin, Blue and green Cellophin, Colourful Card, Colurful paper, And Double-Sided Tape. The next day, we carried on and we finaly fin-ished get it huh huh!!! then we started making 3D fishes out of paper mache and we made starfishes aswell, but only 1 made a complicated crab which was the artistic Ellee' Turner. Some of us finished our fish and STARFISH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats all for now folks see you next week
By Birkan and Ellee.T
Please watch our video :)

Friday 18 June 2010


This week, we have started a new text called "street child".The book is about a family and there dad dies, so they have to move out of there cottage(this is based in the Victorian time by the way). Then they have to move into a shared house with many other families and they only have one room between them.The rent payer then comes and the family have no money to pay him because there mum is very ill and cant work. So the children,Jim,Emma & Lizzie try to hide there mum but ail and they get kicked out.And we only came to there.On Thursday we acted out the scenes doing freeze frames.Here are some pictures!!

Friday 11 June 2010

Science Musuem Trip

On Tuesday, yr 5 went to the science museum.
First, we had to be dropped of at Sainsbury car park. From there, we walked to south woodford station, then we got on the Central Line and took the tube to Mile End station. After, we changed trains and we arrived at South Kensington station.We had to walk a lot through the tunnel and it seemed like we was walking 50 miles! We past the Victoria & Albert museum which looked like a rich people club!

Here is a video of all our fun!
