Firstly in 5N we have been learning about multiculturalism in Britain. We have been having fun doing different things like dancing to music from different cultures, bread tasting and learning about different cultures.
Secondly for the bread tasting, 5N had so much fun because most children in the class brought in different breads from their culture and we all tried the bread. It was amazing becauuse when we were trying the bread it felt like we were travelling to the countries where the bread came from.
Next we learned about India. We focussed on the story, The Wizard Punchkin and we all enjoyed it. We wrote an alternative ending for the story.
Lastly in PE, we learned a dance from india, called the stick dance. We had to partner up with somebody and Miss Nwichi showed us the dance. Then we had to copy what Miss Nwichi did. It was good learning the dance because we were learnig different things about India so it was fun when we leart a dance from India. That was our week in year 5. By Eleanor